In Your Garden

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From Observation to Action

Our study sites are, of course, not enough for the conservation of wild bees in urban and peri-urban spaces.  Wild bees should be free to widen their territory and be able to find food and nesting zones anywhere.  Therefore, we wish to invite the general public to participate through their gardens and balconies.  You could help complete the ecological corridor network for bees, wherever you live.  Bee-friendly management of one's garden and green spaces makes an important impact on wild bee conservation.  Please sign our ecological responsibility charter at the Urbanbees web-site.  It will inspire you to turn your little patch of green into a haven for biodiversity (the cutting of foliage, choice of flowers, unused land, the dangers of plant protection products).  Ideally, you would then talk to your local politicians about municipal level bee-friendly green space management.
By using our "How to" guides on the website, create simple wild bee nesting possibilities in your gardens, or on your balconies. 
Through this internet site you will soon be able to create your personal garden-diary where you will be able to share your observations.  Please let us know "what works" and "what doesn't work" (regarding the structures, nesting materials, sun/wind exposition), send us the before-and-after shots of your garden, and update us on your new little guests.  With your consent, your bee hotel/flower garden will be included as a wild bee welcome zone on our network map.
In the case where you are part of a group/association which has a communal green space, unused or cropped (family or worker's allotment gardens) why not adapt it so that it welcomes wild bees, and encourages biodiversity of wildlife in general.